I just realised that I have quite a few names that people (have) regularly call(ed) me.
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Posted by David-io at 21:48 0 comments
Labels: Team David Hale
Monday, 29 March 2010
Taken from an article on Cracked.com:
"According to a study of 6,000 people, men named Michael, James and David are the clear winners, with all three placing in the top ten for Most Successful, Luckiest, and yes, Most Attractive names."
Hell yeah.
Posted by David-io at 14:24 0 comments
Labels: awesome
Sunday, 28 March 2010
You must be an illusion.
So, Prom was simply amazing.
I spent most of Saturday morning filling out insurance forms and running errands. Blah, that's never any fun. I picked up Emily's corsage up in Daphne, burned a CD, and vacuumed my mum's car (because my car was too trashy to take to the dance after the accident).
Around four o'clock, I hopped in the shower and started getting ready. Mum and dad were ridiculous about pictures, blah, and I left the house at around 5:15.
Got to Chelsea's house right at 5:30 and met up with everyone else there. MORE PICTURES WOOOOOOO.
Also, Emily was simply gorgeous. I don't know what I did to deserve someone as amazing as she is.
After a shit-ton of pictures at Chelsea's house, we went to the Yacht Club so we could take MORE PICTURES before we ate dinner. I swear, I'm going to punch every camera I see for the next week. I'm SICK OF GETTING MY PICTURE TAKEN.
Anyway, after what seemed like forever, we went inside and were seated.
For some reason, the Yacht Club was overcrowded and understaffed, so the service was slow. But the company and conversation were delightful, and we had a blast. The food was also very good. And not too expensive, either! :D
Anyway, after we ate, Chelsea and Mason left so they could go to the Senior Callouts, while Maring, Thomas, Emily and I went for a nice walk. And then we went to Mr. Gene's Beans downtown.
So many people were complimenting the girls' dresses, it got annoying pretty quick. For me an Thomas, at least, I'm sure they loved the attention, haha.
Anyway, around 9:00, we went to the Civic Centre and DANCED THE NIGHT AWAY AWWWW YEAH.
I'm not going to go into too much detail about the dance itself, mostly out of laziness and somewhat due to my terrible memory.
I will share one anecdote, though:
Mason and I went up to the DJ and requested Bohemian Rhapsody. I mean, that's the best song ever, everyone loves it. Well, the DJ said no, because apparently it's not a "crowd pleaser" (which is bullshit) and that he had to play music that everyone would like. Mason and I grumbled and walked away.
So, the next song comes on and guess what? Everyone leaves the dance floor.
What was that about pleasing the crowd, Mr. DJ?
Anyway, we ended up leaving the dance a bit early, around 11:30. We all went back to Chelsea's house again, and we all cuddled up in their living room and watched That 70's Show. As weird as this sounds, cuddling with Emily and talking with everyone was probably my favourite part of the whole evening. <3
And then we all ate an amazing midnight breakfast (courtesy of Chelsea's parents) consisting of cheese grits, bacon, sausage, pancakes, waffles, biscuits, fruit, and probably even more stuff. It was delicious! And then everyone changed out of their fancy clothes and returned to the living room for an encore of earlier.
Around 1:00, people started leaving, and Emily and I were fairly quick to follow. I took her home and walked her to the door and all that jazz, and then started heading home. But then I realised I still had her camera and purse, so I had to go back and give those to her. :P
I got home at around 1:30 and went to bed a 2:00.
When I woke up today, I was still pretty smiley from the night before. :)
I went to church and caught up with Kathy and Bobby. After church, Kathy and I picked up some Pizza Rolls and went over to Macey's house to have a MIYAZAKI MOVIE MARATHON. We watched Ponyo and Howl's Moving Castle. It was a great way to spend the afternoon. :)
I went home around 5:30, packed, ate dinner, ran some last minute errands, and then ended up leaving about 7:30. I stopped by Emily's house for a bit, to see her before I went back to school, and then got some gas and some coffee for the long drive back to school.
And here I am. :)
There are plenty of things coming up, but that's for another blag post. I'm done for now. Goodnight.
Posted by David-io at 18:00 0 comments
Labels: awesome, Emily, excitement, love, movies, photos, prom
Saturday, 27 March 2010
We're falling right into the dénouement...
Ugh, yesterday was terrible.
Class was fine, I guess. Theory was Theory, and I just played Pokemon in Anthropology.
And I WOULD have been able to leave school and head home around 11:00 in the morning, but noooooo I had to go to a required Master Class at 3:45. So I had to kill time for four hours. I couldn't practice, either, because all the practice rooms were occupied by Horn students. Blech.
And then, when I finally got on the road at 5:30, I got rear-ended in Mobile. My trunk is fucked up now, which is JUST what I needed. Some idiot sixteen year old girl was too busy staring at her boyfriend to realise that there was a red light. And of course, it took a good hour before the police actually showed up. I didn't get home until after eight, ughhh.
So I've spent most of the morning dealing with insurance stuff. Blech.
But at least the rest of last night was pretty fun! After a quick dinner at home, I went to Chis's house and played COD MW2 with Chis and Cleveland until about 2 in the morning. It was a pretty lulzy experience. :)
Oh, and now it's time for your Heart Gold Update!
I'm in Blackthorne City, but I haven't challenged the gym yet. I've been training and messing around with the Pokeathelon a lot, so eh.
But my team:
Lvl 41 Feraligatr
Lvl 40 Espeon
Lvl 40 Scizor
Lvl 38 Pupitar
Lvl 37 Dunsparce
And then some HM slaves that I occasionally swap in and out of my team. Oh, but I've come in first in every event in the Pokeathelon (Except Pennant Grab, fuck that one) and I've won every category a few times. It's a pretty addicting minigame, much better than contests. I really hope they expand upon it and include it in other games.
Well, tonight is Prom. I've been looking forward to this for the past month, and I am so excited. Like, you don't even know. I find it funny that in High School, I couldn't care any less about Prom (I didn't even go senior year) but now it's like the highlight of my month. Funny how that works. :P
I picked up a gorgeous corsage for Emily this morning. I think it'll look great with her dress and I'm sure she'll like it too. :3
I'm not quite sure on the details beforehand, but I know we'll be having dinner at the Yacht Club at 6:30. And then we're going to the dance after that, so woo. I'm really out of the loop with all the planning, haha. Oh well. It'll still be a blast.
And my mum's letting me drive her Civic, because my car is a piece of crap (Even worse now). I need to vacuum it soon, after I finish this blag post and after I finish filling out this INSURANCE PAPERWORK GAH.
Well, I'm fairly certain that's all for now. I hope all of you have a great weekend! I'll post some pictures tomorrow, methinks. :)
Posted by David-io at 10:57 0 comments
Labels: Emily, excitement, love, Pokemon, rant, vidja games, Xbox 360
Monday, 22 March 2010
I return victorious!
So, I am back at school now.
It's so nice to be back in my crappy dorm room instead of in nice hotels and with host families. Haha.
Actually, I just care about INTERNET and NOT SPENDING HALF OF MY DAY IN A CAR.
But here, let me sum up the highlights of the past few days:
Heart Gold: I've just beat Team Rocket at the Goldenrod Radio Tower. I haven't been playing too much, really- Tackitt is much farther than I am. But my team is still higher-leveled. I find that amusing.
My team is Feraligatr (Nicknamed "Pan"), Dunsparce, Scizor, Espeon, Farfetch'd, Red Gyarados (HM Slave). Pretty badass.
Eastern Trombone Workshop: Well, it was pretty okay as a whole. I spent most of my time with Tackitt, playing Pokemon. xD
There were some amazing trombonists there, though. I am STILL in awe of some of them. It was great.
Our performance was a disaster, unfortunately. Basically everything that could have gone wrong did. Oh well, what's done is done. I had fun on the trip and I enjoyed my time at the ETW. Isn't that the point?
Oh man, I have so many stories to tell. I don't think I can tell them all. D:
Let's see... We left Adam Johnson on the Army Base, my bookbag got ran over, my slide fell off on stage, Eddie "pulled a Byron," I mooned Eddie on the drive back, Andrew has the bladder of a twelve-year old girl, terrorists, Adam is a whiny little bitch... uh... I'm sure there's more, but I'm a bit tired. It's been a long day.
I got back and read the letters that Emily mailed me while I was away. It really made me glad to be back, and I feel so lucky that someone as amazing as her actually likes me. :3
This weekend is Prom, and I am looking forward to it more that pretty much anything else. This week needs to hurry up. <3
Anyway, I think that's it. Excuse me, I'm gonna go pass out.
Posted by David-io at 21:04 0 comments
Labels: Emily, excitement, love, Pokemon, school, Spring Break, travel, trombone, vidja games
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Blah blah blah trip.
Quick post.
Heart Gold is awesome. Tackitt and I have been playing (We each got a copy) and it is sweeeet. My team right now is Croconaw and Dunsparce HELL YEAH.
Also, my phone died and my charger broke. :(
We were in Pittsburgh yesterday, and I've deided I don't like Pittsburgh. I did like Duquesne University, though.
We spent today at Penn State, and that was a neat school, too. Tomorrow we're going to Altoona, PA. Woooo.
Anyway, that's about it. Later!
Posted by David-io at 22:52 0 comments
Labels: travel, vidja games
Sunday, 14 March 2010
I'm alive!
Oh hai there.
I'm currently laying in a bed at a host family's house in Greensburg, PA right now, blagging on my DS. I have internet here, so I figured I'd let you all know that I'm alive. :3
It's been a great trip so far. Drove about twelve hours on Friday, stayed in a really fancy hotel. My room consisted of the four Freshman boys and Melissa, the only girl in the trombone choir. Poor her, haha. :p
But we all had fun.
I can sum up the next two days in a mere two words: Ohio sucks.
Seriously, worst state EVAR. But now that we're in Pennsylvania (I just know I spelled that wrong), it's all good.
Also, my internal clock is ALL MESSED UP. We lost an hour switching to Eastern Time, and then another for Daylight Savings. Blech.
Pokémon Heart Gold came out today. I want it. To get me in the mood, I've picked Platinum up again. Trained my Giratina, my Shaymin, and an Anorith I found, haha. :p
I think that's about it. I hope all of you are doing fine. :)
Don't worry about me!
Posted by David-io at 21:37 0 comments
Labels: awesome, school, travel, trombone, vidja games
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Also, WHAT
I can't decide if this is going to be Totally Awesome or completely Flopsy.
(See what I did there? I just referenced two different Starkid productions? Oh, you didn't catch that? >_____> )
Oh well. I'm excited to see what it will be about.
On a side note, I am done with class, done with my midterm, done with mail, done with my homework, and done copying my music. I have two loads of laundry going right now, too, and I'll go practice when those are finished. Being productive SUCKS.
Posted by David-io at 12:05 0 comments
The Back Row is Cursed.
So. Today is the day before I leave for Spring Break. But before I get into that, a quick recap of the week:
I had to perform in two concerts this week, on Tuesday and Wednesday night. On Tuesday, we had the Concert Band concert, and Wednesday night was the Trombone Choir.
My dad got videos, perhaps I will post those later. I'll at least link to them, if they make it online. Both concerts went pretty well! And my family was in town to watch them and to buy me delicious food, so it's been a good week.
And speaking of good weeks, this week has gone by ridiculously fast. As the week before Spring Break, you'd expect it to just draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag, you know? But nope nope nope, it's been flying by. That's a good thing because I want it to be two weeks from now, but it's also a bad thing because I have SO MUCH TO DO.
So I get to do everything today. I have my Anthropology midterm today, I need to do laundry and pack for my trip, I mailed off some stuff, I have to finish my Theory homework (eh), I have to go to the library and check out a copy of my Jury piece, copy it, practice it, I have to go to a concert tonight, and I'm positive I'm forgetting something else, but oh well. This paragraph is still filled with enough commas to get my point across! My point being that today is busier than it has any right to be. >:(
So, my trip. For Spring Break, the Trombone Choir is going to be going up to the Eastern Trombone Workshop to perform and watch other people perform and such. On the way up and the way home, we're going to be playing at various schools and churches.
An itinerary:
Friday, March 12- Head to Louisville, KY
Saturday, March 13- Head to Bowling Green, OH*
Sunday, March 14- Head to Greensburg, PA*
Monday, March 15- Head to Pittsburgh, PA*
Tuesday, March 16- Head to Penn State University*
Wednesday, March 17- Head to Altoona, PA*
Thursday, March 18- Head to Washington DC*
Friday, March 19- Chill at the ETW
Saturday, March 20- Our performance at the ETW*
Sunday, March 21- Head to Lexington, KY*
Monday, March 22- Head back to Hattiesburg, MS
Tuesday, March 23- School, blah
*- denotes a performance that day
So, that's the schedule for my trip. I won't be blagging at all that week because I won't be bringing my laptop. (No internet for 10 days? Noooooooooooooooo)
Gonna be playing a lot of DS, listening to a lot of music. Road Trips, woo.
But yeah, that's all for now. I'll tell you how things went when I get back on Monday. ;D
(Maybe Tuesday if I'm tired)
(Our performance will be at 3:30 EST on Saturday, March 20th, and will be broadcast live. For a complete schedule of the Eastern Trombone Workshop and a link to the live performance, go here. If you look, you should be able to find it pretty easily. Hope you watch!) ;D
Text me while I'm gone, since I won't have internet!
Posted by David-io at 10:21 0 comments
Labels: music, school, Spring Break, travel, trombone
Sunday, 7 March 2010
So give it up, give it back to me.
Hello, all. It's been a lovely weekend. The weather has been absolutely amazing! And of course, Friday and Saturday nights were splendid, too.
I've already told you all about Friday night, so I'm not going to go into any more detail on that. But then last night was fun, too. A little after six o'clock, I went over to Emily's house to hang out with her and eat dinner with her family. We had some delicious gumbo, some bread that wasn't cooked all the way (hahaha) and a ton of hilarious conversations while we ate. It was a great meal! :3
After dinner, we retreated to Emily's room upstairs and watched The Nightmare Before Christmas, 'cause Emily has never seen it before. I know, she's never lived. >:|
But she's seen it now, so things have been made better. :D
She loved it, and we had fun watching it together. My dog was annoying, though, but in the cutest way possible. Sigh, I swear my dogs are insane.
We then listened to some music a bit, and we talked while she finished sewing. Meanwhile downstairs, her parents were watching this crazy Swedish film called Slim Susie. When we came downstairs, they were probably about halfway through it. Emily and I ate some coffee ice cream and watched the rest of the movie with them. There were some... interesting scenes, and the movie was very confusing and unintentionally hilarious (I think I'm going to start saying "schmort" now), and it was pretty fun. By that time, it was pretty much 11, so I headed home and killed time on the computer for a bit. It was lovely. :3
Today was Colin's Eagle Scout ceremony. It was a pretty okay ceremony, very tongue-in-cheek (which I like). I left pretty early after the ceremony, though, and now I'm at home wishing I could take a nap. Oh well, maybe I can convince one of my friends to buy me coffee? :D
Anyway, midterms are this week. Wish me luck. :|
Saturday, 6 March 2010
I'm afraid you have, you've gone totally bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret: all the best people are.
Tonight was spectacular.
I finished classes and then headed to Fairhope for the weekend. You see, I was going to the movies to see Alice in Wonderland with Emily, Jen, Sara, and Chelsea. And we were all dressing up.
So I got to town, and picked up my costume from Aunt Pagan. Yes, I was Alice, and yes, I borrowed the costume that the Creative Outlet uses for Alice. Oh well. ^_~
I chilled at the Coffee Loft until around four thirty and then headed over to Emily's house. We all got costumed up and ready to go, and left for the movies just before six.
We got there, people were amazed that I was a guy, we watched the movie. It was spectacular, and we all enjoyed it immensely. But the -real- fun didn't start until after the movie!
Afterwards, when everyone was leaving the theatre, I was surrounded by girls who wanted pictures with me. It was scary! D:
And everyone abandoned me, too. >:(
But I mostly avoided taking pictures with strangers because I saw Tony and Mason and Savanna and Logan and I kind of used them as a human shield.
The bathroom was an interesting ordeal, too. Using a urinal is hard (And awkward) when you're wearing tights and a skirt. I'm just glad no strangers walked in. >_____>;;
Anyways, we all met back up, had some more pictures taken, and then went to the Fairhope Waffle House. I don't really know how to describe what happened there... I don't think I'll discuss it, if not solely because I know I can't do it justice.
But we did meet Ted and have an all around good time.
Overall, it was a great night. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. And I'm sorry about how terrible my typing is tonight, I'm exhausted. -___-
Posted by David-io at 00:26 0 comments
Labels: awesome, Emily, excitement, movies, pictures, Waffle House
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
More vidja games
Other vidja games coming out this month that I want:
Dragon Age Origins: Awakenings - $40
Pokemon: Heart Gold - $35 (Already paid a $10 for it)
Left 4 Dead 2 DLC: "The Passing" - cost unknown
And I'll also be needing a Harddrive for my 360, as well as the other Dragon Age DLC. Blah, luckily no other good games come out for a few months (As far as I know, at least) so I'll have plenty of time to get these bad boys. :P
Posted by David-io at 15:41 0 comments
Labels: DS, vidja games, Xbox 360
Oh God... Muscle March
Not much has been going on these past few days that's been worth blagging about, so pardon my lack of updates.
So yeah, some things that are coming up: This weekend is going to be great. Saturday morning/early afternoon, I'm going to go see the new Alice in Wonderland with Kathy and a few other people. It's going to be pretty sweet, I think! And that evening I'm going to be spending some time with Emily. :3
Saturday's gonna be fun.
Then Sunday is Colin Byrne's Eagle Scout ceremony, so I'm going to that. And then I have midterms next week (Bleh) and then it's SPRING BREAK!
But Spring Break is going to be eh because I'm going to be spending the whole break with the Trombone Choir on a trip up to Washington DC. I mean, it's not that bad (I'm kind of excited) but there are other things I'd rather be doing, you know? Oh well!
And then I'm going to be going to Fairhope's Prom at the end of the month. That should be exciting. Hopefully it won't be lame but I can manage to have fun if it is.
"If it is" is a fun phrase. Three two letter words starting with 'i'? Ooooh, I could make it "If it is in" and that would make it even MORE awesome! I think that's about as good as it can get? Unless I'm allowed to repeat words, making the sentence "If it is in it" and thereby COMPLETING THE CIRCLE OF AWESOMENESS
...An odd tangent to go off on. I apologise. But yeah, so all of that is happening this month(!), so it's going to be pretty hectic.
But, stress doesn't worry me, because I just bought the best game ever. It's called "Muscle March."
Just... wow. It's amazing. Words can't describe how much fun it is. Seriously. And for just $5? (I already had $9 credit left in my Nintendo account, so I didn't even have to spend any money [right now] to buy it!) Great deal. It's colourful, upbeat, quirky, and fast-paced. Fun stuff.
But yeah, that's about it. :3
Posted by David-io at 15:08 0 comments
Labels: awesome, Emily, Muscle March, vidja games, Wii