Monday, 22 March 2010

I return victorious!

So, I am back at school now.

It's so nice to be back in my crappy dorm room instead of in nice hotels and with host families. Haha.
Actually, I just care about INTERNET and NOT SPENDING HALF OF MY DAY IN A CAR.

But here, let me sum up the highlights of the past few days:

Heart Gold: I've just beat Team Rocket at the Goldenrod Radio Tower. I haven't been playing too much, really- Tackitt is much farther than I am. But my team is still higher-leveled. I find that amusing.

My team is Feraligatr (Nicknamed "Pan"), Dunsparce, Scizor, Espeon, Farfetch'd, Red Gyarados (HM Slave). Pretty badass.

Eastern Trombone Workshop
: Well, it was pretty okay as a whole. I spent most of my time with Tackitt, playing Pokemon. xD
There were some amazing trombonists there, though. I am STILL in awe of some of them. It was great.

Our performance was a disaster, unfortunately. Basically everything that could have gone wrong did. Oh well, what's done is done. I had fun on the trip and I enjoyed my time at the ETW. Isn't that the point?

Oh man, I have so many stories to tell. I don't think I can tell them all. D:
Let's see... We left Adam Johnson on the Army Base, my bookbag got ran over, my slide fell off on stage, Eddie "pulled a Byron," I mooned Eddie on the drive back, Andrew has the bladder of a twelve-year old girl, terrorists, Adam is a whiny little bitch... uh... I'm sure there's more, but I'm a bit tired. It's been a long day.

I got back and read the letters that Emily mailed me while I was away. It really made me glad to be back, and I feel so lucky that someone as amazing as her actually likes me. :3
This weekend is Prom, and I am looking forward to it more that pretty much anything else. This week needs to hurry up. <3

Anyway, I think that's it. Excuse me, I'm gonna go pass out.